Q: Who can apply to Oak Creek Charter School?

A: ​As early as 4 years of age, and the students’ birthday is on or before September 1st of the enrolling school year. A student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) may apply for their Kindergarten year of enrollment during the application window. K – 8th grade students may apply for the current and/or following school years as necessary, and as applications are available.

​Q: When can we apply?

​A: Applications for the next school year will open in November. Applications will continue to be accepted until all seats have been filled. Once enrollment has been met, all other applications will be placed on a Wait List.

Q: If we made an error on the application how do we correct it?

A: Please email our Office Staff as soon as possible to correct items on your application.
Q: How long is our application active?

​A: Your application will expire at the end of the school year requested. If we are unable to reach you to make an offer of enrollment, due to bad contact information or returned email, your application will be removed from our list. If you do not respond to an offer of enrollment based upon instructions received in an initial offer or email, your application will be returned to the Wait List.​
​Q: ​Can we apply each year?

​A: If you are not offered enrollment the first year you requested it, you are welcome to apply for the next school year during that application window. Current OCCS enrolled students do not need to reapply each year and are continuous students with OCCS, until time of graduation from 8th Grade, or withdrawal.
Q: What should we do if we do not receive an email confirmation that our student’s application was submitted successfully online?

A: Contact the office to check status of your application.
Q: What is your enrollment capacity?

A: Our enrollment capacity is 950 students in K-8th Grade.
Q: Are there qualifications for a student to be accepted?​
A: All applications have equal opportunity to apply and participate in the lottery. All offers of enrollment are subject to grade level documentation requirements.
Q: If my student is gifted, receives ESE services or has a 504 plan, does this move them up the waiting list to get enrolled?
A: All applications have equal opportunity to participate in the lottery. OCCS is able to accommodate students within an inclusion setting
​Q: What is a records review before finalizing enrollment offers?
​A: Oak Creek Charter School offers enrollment to all students that they can serve appropriately. Review of discipline, attendance, and exceptional student education records may negate enrollment at our school based upon an inability to serve the student’s needs. Students whose records are in violation of our Charter will not be admitted. Students that are expelled from a public school, are on a settlement agreement, or on a deferred expulsion will not be admitted to OCCSS during the duration of their expulsion.
Q: Does OCCS offer enrollment preference based upon a student’s address or County location?
​A: OCCSS may enroll students from any county or zone. No preference is given to a specific residential location.
​​Q: ​Is there transportation provided?
​A: OCCS may offer pocket pick up throughout sections of the county based upon your residence address on file. Transportation for Lee County families is not guaranteed, and may need to be provided by the families.
Q: Does OCCSS continue to enroll after the start of the school year if there are openings?
A: Yes, As vacancies occur throughout the year, we will still continue to contact families on our waiting list, following numerical order of the waiting list, until the vacancy is filled.
Q: How does OCCSS contact families to offer enrollment?
A: After the initial enrollment offers are mailed on or before the second week of January, any individual vacancies that occur afterward are filled through email offers made to the email address referenced on the application.
Q: How do we update our contact information, so that we do not miss an offer of enrollment?
A: Please keep all contact information – address, home phone and email addresses, up to date, by contacting our office with your new information.
Q: I missed the deadline to respond to an offer of enrollment, has my child lost their seat?
A: If you do not respond within the required window noted on your enrollment offer, your seat will be filled with another student from our waiting list, you may call to have your student reactivated on the Wait List.​​
Q: I declined an offer of enrollment, but now have changed my mind, can I still get my student enrolled?
​A: If you have declined an offer of enrollment, your application has been removed from our records. You will need to reapply.
Q: How do we check the status of the waiting list and my student’s application?
​A: Contact our office to check enrollment status and current status of vacancies.
​Q: ​Do you follow the same calendar as Lee County Schools?
​A: For the most part, yes, however, ½ days may be the exception to the rule.
Q: Do you participate in statewide testing assessments?
A: Yes, we follow the same calendar schedule for testing, such as the FSA.